Ryeberg Printed Onto Paper

By Ryeberg | Dec 1, 2011

Race Relations Light Years From Earth
Mitu Sengupta, “Race Relations Light Years From Earth” (Ryeberg, 2010)

A fabulous Ryeberg has just been included in a new anthology called “Signs Of Life In The USA: Readings On Popular Culture For Writers” — which asks, for example, if personal identity has changed in the online era. Hell yeah! The Ryeberg in question is Mitu Sengupta’s “Race Relations Light Years From Earth.” Go Mitu!

Mary Gaitskill’s “Lady Gaga In Hell” was included in last year’s “Best Music Writing,” and Ryeberg’s just come across this NPR interview with Ann Powers, the book’s editor. She talks about how online publishing is reshaping criticism, and specifically about how Ryeberg works. It’s interesting. Here’s how the Gaitskill essay looks in Powers’ anthology.

from Best Music Writing 2010

Perhaps one day Ryeberg should print up an anthology of its own: Ryeberg essays without the videos. Yeah? No?
